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KREM Cares Tom's Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest

KREM 2 and Numerica invite all kids, ages 17 and younger, to enter the KREM Cares Tom's Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest.

SPOKANE, Wash. — (The last day to submit your artwork is Sunday, Oct. 8, 2024, by 5 p.m.)

Fighting hunger takes everyone in a community, and that includes our kids.

KREM 2 and Numerica invite all kids, ages 17 and younger, to enter the KREM Cares Tom's Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest. 

Draw a fall-themed turkey with the words 'Tom's Turkey Drive' and '25th Anniversary'.  Use crayons, pencils, markers, or paint to create your design. 

The winner will be featured in our KREM Cares Tom's Turkey Drive annual event. 

Follow this link to enter the contest. In the comment section, include the child's first name, age, parent's name, phone number and email. 

(PLEASE KEEP THE ORIGINAL ARTWORK.  If your submission is the winning artwork, we will need the original picture for printing purposes.  The contest winner will be notified by 10/10/24.)


Read below for more information and the complete rules: 


Eligibility. Subject to the additional restrictions below, the Tom’s Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest (the “Contest”) is open to legal U.S. residents of the states of Washington or Idaho who are 18 years or older at the time of entry and who are the parent or legal guardian of a legal U.S. resident of the states of Washington or Idaho who are 17 years or younger at the time of entry. Employees of Numerica Credit Union (“Sponsor”), KREM (“Administrator”), and each of their respective affiliated companies, and advertising and promotional agencies, and the immediate family members of, and any persons domiciled with, any such employees, are not eligible to enter or to win.

How to Enter. The Contest will begin at 12:01 a.m. PST September 11th – and will end October 8th, 2024 at 5p.m. PST (the “Contest Period”).

During the Contest Period entrants may submit their child/dependent’s design for the 2024 “Tom’s Turkey Drive” t-shirts. Design submissions need to be approx. 8” X 10” in size and may be done with pencil, pen, colored pencils, markers, crayons, or paint. The design should include fall colors and must include the words, “Tom’s Turkey Drive” and “25th Anniversary.” 

Each submission must be an authentic, original design by the entrant’s child/dependent identified on the accompanying entry form, and the entrant must own the copyright in the work submitted and have written permission from all individuals depicted in the work (if any) to grant Sponsor and Administrator the right to publish and otherwise use the work as described in these Official Rules. The work must not have been digitally generated or otherwise altered in any way other than necessary cropping. Any use of generative AI tools in connection with any Contest entry is prohibited. Judges may disqualify previously published works or those that have won previous awards or competitions.

PLEASE KEEP all original artwork. If entry is chosen as winner, you will be contacted and asked to provide original artwork.

This contest can be entered digitally or mailed. 

There are no in-person drop-off locations.

Digital Entry: 

Parent or Guardian must enter contest online at www.krem.com. Entries must be submitted with parent/guardian approval and with parent/guardian contact information. Photo must be uploaded through the entry portal at time of entry.

Mail-In Entry:

Mailed entries must be postmarked by 5:00 p.m. (PT) October 8, 2024 and be mailed to:


4103 S Regal St

Spokane, WA 99223
ATTN: TTD T-Shirt Contest

Only one entry per stamped envelope. Entries must be submitted with parent/guardian approval and with parent/guardian contact information. Mailed entry designs must include a cover letter that includes the child’s name, the child’s age, city and state, parent or guardian’s name, phone number and email address.

Maximum one (1) entry per personSponsor and Administrator will not be responsible for entries that are incomplete, lost, delivered late, postage-due, misdirected or illegible. All entries become property of Sponsor and none will be returned. By entering, you agree to receive e-mails from Sponsor / Administrator or those directed by Sponsor / Administrator. You can opt-out of the receipt of such e-mails by following the directions in any such email. Entrants acknowledge and agree that Sponsor and Administrator shall have the right to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, publish, promote, create a sound recording of, broadcast, or otherwise display or use entries in any way it sees fit without limitation or compensation to entrants.

Winner Selection   A panel of judges selected by Sponsor and Administrator will judge all eligible entries according to the following criteria: 25% use of fall colors, 25% originality, 25% creativity and 25% inclusion of “Tom’s Turkey Drive” and “25th Anniversary”.  The ratings scale for each criterion will range from one (1) to ten (10), with 10 being the best score. The contestant with the highest cumulative score will be designated the Grand Prize Winner. In the event of a tie, tied entries will be re-judged on the same criteria listed above. Decisions of judges and Sponsor will be final and binding in all respects. One (1) Grand Prize Winner to be announced on or near October 15th. Announcement protocol is at the discretion of KREM 2.

Prizes and Odds Grand Prize: One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive a $100 savings account at Numerica Credit Union (or a $100 deposit into an existing Numerica Credit Union account) and their design will appear on the 2024 Tom’s Turkey Drive t-shirts, (ARV: $ 100). Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

Winner Notification and Acceptance. The Grand Prize Winner will be notified on or about October 10, 2024 at the telephone number and/or email address provided on winner’s entry form. Sponsor will call or email during regular business hours at number provided on entry form. Failure to reach winner by phone, after 3 attempts or return of prize notification as undeliverable, or failure of recipient to respond to email notification, may result in disqualification of winner, forfeiture of his or her interest in all prizes, and selection of a substitute winner from among all remaining eligible entries. Winners may waive their right to receive prizes. Prizes are non-assignable and nontransferable. No substitutions allowed by winner. Prizes and individual components of prize packages are subject to availability and Sponsor reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value. Winners are solely responsible for reporting and payment of any taxes on prizes. Winner may be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility/liability and publicity release which must be returned as directed by Administrator or Sponsor. Failure to sign and return the affidavit or release, or to comply with any term or condition of these Official Rules, may result in a winner’s disqualification, the forfeiture of his or her interest in the prize, and the award of the prize to a substitute winner. Except where prohibited, acceptance of any prize constitutes winner’s consent to the publication of his or her name, biographical information and likeness in any media for any commercial or promotional purpose, without limitation the Internet, or further compensation. Prizes not won and claimed by eligible winners in accordance with these Official Rules will not be awarded and will remain the property of Sponsor.

Participation. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify persons found tampering with or otherwise abusing any aspect of this Contest as solely determined by Sponsor. In the event the Contest is compromised by a virus, non-authorized human intervention, tampering or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Sponsor which corrupts or impairs the administration, security, fairness or proper operation of the Contest, Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest. Should the Contest be terminated prior to the stated expiration date, Sponsor reserves the right to award prizes based on the entries received before the termination date. Any questions regarding the number of entries submitted or the identity of the relevant entrant shall be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

Release; Copyright. Sponsor and Administrator further reserve the right to disqualify any entry that is alleged to infringe on any third-party’s intellectual property rights, or that Sponsor, or Administrator deems obscene, offensive or otherwise inappropriate for viewing by a general audience. By participating in the Contest, entrants, winners, and their parents and legal guardians hereby release Sponsor, Administrator, Rosauers stores and each of their respective affiliated companies, and advertising and promotional agencies from any and all claims, complaints, disputes, and liabilities in connection with this Contest or the availability of or use of any prize. By entering the Contest, each entrant grants to Sponsor and Administrator an exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right and license to publish, print, edit or otherwise use the entrant’s submitted entry, in whole or in part, for any purpose and in any manner or media (including, without limitation, the Internet) throughout the world in perpetuity, and to license others to do so, all without limitation or further compensation.  Each entrant further agrees that if their entry is selected by Sponsor as the winning entry, they will sign any additional license or release that Sponsor may require.

Construction. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any such provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, these rules shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or unenforceable provision was not contained therein.

Sponsor.  The Tom’s Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest is sponsored by Numerica Credit Union. The decisions of Sponsor regarding the selection of winners and all other aspects of the Sweepstakes shall be final and binding in all respects. Sponsor will not be responsible for typographical, printing or other inadvertent errors in these Official Rules or in other materials relating to the Sweepstakes. For a list of winners (available after October 15, 2024) or a copy of these Official Rules send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to “Tom’s Turkey Drive T-Shirt Contest Rules Request” or, Tom’s T-Shirt Contest Winners List, 4103 S. Regal, Spokane, WA 99223. If you have any questions regarding this Sweepstakes, please contact Laura Papetti, 509-448-2000, turkey@krem.com.

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