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Chad Daybell trial day 3: new witnesses to be called

Chad Daybell is facing the death penalty for the deaths of his wife Tammy Daybell, and Lori Vallow's two children Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow.

BOISE, Idaho — Last week, the jury heard from one witness in the Chad Daybell trial. That witness was Det. Hermosillo of Rexburg Police Department, who took the stand to describe his involvement with the Daybell investigation. It was Det. Hermosillo and his team that found the bodies of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow on Chad Daybell's property. 

In court on Monday, April 15, the state called a handful of witnesses, all with testimonies surrounding the events that lead up to Daybell's arrest. The day concluded with FBI tactical specialist Nicole Heideman discussing phone attribution, the process of finding who the primary user of a phone is. 

The court adjourned roughly 15 minutes early, due to a stopping point in Heideman's testimony allowing for early dismissal. Judge Steven Boyce reminds to court that the lunch break for jurors might be longer tomorrow, due to a motion hearing that has to happen outside of the jury's presence. 

The trial was on recess on Friday, April 12, due to scheduling, said Judge Boyce. The court also recessed early on Thursday, April 11, to allow prosecution to have a full day of witness testimony on Monday, April 15.

Daybell's trial is expected to last roughly eight to 10 weeks, with the first week solely being jury selection. After a rigorous process of elimination, the court went from 57 potential jurors down to 18, consisting of 10 men and eight women. In the second week of trial, we heard opening statements from both parties, as well as just one witness testimony that lasted two days. 

Live Updates: 

3:22 p.m.: After a sidebar, court will be adjourning early, due to a stopping point with witness testimony. Judge Boyce reminds the witness not to look up or investigate this case. Jury is excused and court is adjourned for the day. Court will be back starting at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, the 16th. 

2:57 p.m.: Heideman discusses phone attribution. She states that for Chad Daybell, there were six phone numbers associated with him, but three of interest. Lori Vallow was in a similar situation, having six phone numbers but three of interest. 

2:50 p.m.: Prosecution calls Nicole Heideman, an tactical specialist with the FBI. In 2019, she was brought into the investigation of missing children Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow. Her responsibility was phone attribution, or determining the primary user of a phone. 

2:45 p.m.: Court readjourns. Chad is leaning over Prior to look at Prior's laptop. The jury is brought in, all 18 are present.

2:14 p.m.: Judge Boyce asks prosecution if they want to call their next witness or take break. They decide to take the afternoon break. 

2:04 p.m.: Prior is done asking questions of Lt. Powell. Judge Boyce allows for prosecution to redirect. 

2:01 p.m.: Defense is asking questions pertaining to Tammy Daybell's health. 

1:38 p.m.: 

1:34 p.m.: Direct examination of Lt. Powell from prosecution concludes. Judge Boyce asks for a sidebar to discuss defense's exhibits and how to be time efficient with them. 

1:19 p.m.: Lt. Powell talks about Tammy Daybell's heath status. "She was healthy at that time that she was at that doctor... she appears healthy," said Powell. 

1:15 p.m.: Prosecution tries to admit a couple of items into evidence, and creates some back-and-forth with Judge Boyce and defense. 

1:02 p.m.: Court readjourns. Lt. Powell is still on the witness stand. 

12:00 p.m.: Judge Boyce sends the court to lunch and will readjourn at 1 p.m.

11:51 a.m.: Lt. Powell discusses surveillance done on Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell. Powell first saw Daybell at 565 Pioneer Road on Nov. 1 2019. Madison County and Fremont County were both involved at this point in the investigation. It was around this date that Rexburg PD got involved, as the residence the police were doing surveillance on was in Rexburg. 

11:39 a.m.: Prior takes the podium to follow up with Det. Wheeler. After Prior asks a few questions, defense steps down. They excuse Det. Wheeler from the stand, but both parties state he may recalled at a later date. Prosecution calls Lieutenant Joe Powell from Fremont County. 

11:33 a.m.: Another sidebar takes place after Prior objects to Wixom's line of questioning. 

11:30 a.m.: A sidebar takes place. Daybell sipped some water from a cup while staring ahead. He closed his laptop slightly.

11:26 a.m.: Det. Wheeler discusses the process of excavating the human remains found on Daybell's property. 

11:18 a.m.: Defense steps down, and Judge Boyce opens it up to redirect with prosecuting attorney Rocky Wixom. 

11:01 a.m.: Defense attorney John Prior admits a video into evidence. The video is bodycam footage of police detaining Chad Daybell. In the video, you hear an office tell Daybell that his lawyer can come to you now. 

10:54 a.m.: Det. Wheeler discusses the events that transpired on June 9, 2020. That was the day the bodies of JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan were found on Daybell's property. 

10:49 a.m.: John Prior discusses exhibit 63, which is body cam footage of Det. Wheeler detaining Chad Daybell. Prior begins to cross examine the witness, Det. Wheeler. 

10:45 a.m.: After a longer break than anticipated, court is called back to session. Chad Daybell is sitting at the defense table, wearing a blue shirt and yellow tie. He is going through papers while waiting for the jury to be brought back in. The jury is brought in as John Prior stands at the podium.

Watch Chad Daybell talk to his daughter, Emma, after being detained by police. The video was admitted as evidence in Chad Daybell's trial on Monday, April 15. 

10:03 a.m.: Judge Boyce and John Prior discuss admitted a piece of evidence to the court. Judge Boyce asks for a mid-morning recess, lasting 30 minutes. 

10:00 a.m.: Prosecution begins asking questions regarding the videos showed in court.

9:35 a.m.: Prosecution brings forward evidence in the form of videos of Chad Daybell being questioned by police. 

9:12 a.m.: Judge Boyce concludes the witness testimony, stating that Det. Kaaiakamanu will be recalled at a later date. Prosecution calls Det. Eric Wheeler as the next witness. Direct examination begins. Det. Wheeler works for the Rexburg Police Department. 

9:11 a.m.: Defense begins redirect, after prosecution asked a handful of questions. 

9:08 a.m.: Defense steps down. Judge Boyce asks prosecution if they have a redirect, Rob Wood states they do. Wood takes the podium to begin redirect examination. 

8:57 a.m.: Defense begins cross examination. Defense attorney John Prior is asking Det. Kaaiakamanu questions. 

8:53 a.m.: Prosecution allows for a recording of a phone call to be entered into evidence. The phone call is a recording from when Lori Vallow was in jail, and Chad Daybell was not in jail. In the phone call, Vallow asks Daybell how he is. He responds with a quip about police searching the property. "We'll see what transpires," Daybell said. 

Watch the phone call from Lori to Chad, while Lori was in jail. 

8:43 a.m.: Det. Kaaiakamanu takes the stand, prosecuting attorney Rob Wood begins asking questions.  Det. Kaaiakamanu is currently the Chief Deputy in Madison County but was previously working in Fremont County when the Daybell investigation started. He states that one of his responsibilities is to oversee the jail. Testimony starts with questions regarding cell phone usage in the jail. 

8:40 a.m.: The jury is brought into the courtroom, all are present. The prosecution is calling their next witness Det. Vincent Kaaiakamanu, from Fremont County Sheriff's Office.

8:30 a.m.: Judge Boyce puts the court in recess to allow jury to come in and for counsel to prepare for the day. 

8:15 a.m.: Court is called to session. There is very few people in the gallery. Judge Steven Boyce and counsel began court earlier than anticipated today, to discuss evidence being admitted to the court. 

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