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Lisa Brown | The Tea with Amanda Roley

Lisa Brown is running for Spokane mayor. We spoke with her over tea about what she would bring to the position.

SPOKANE, Wash. — Editor's note: The above interview was originally published in July 2023.

Spokane County's general election is coming up on Nov. 7, 2023. Some of the key Spokane County races include the city of Spokane mayor, Spokane City Council president and multiple Spokane City Council seats. KREM 2's Chief Journalist Amanda Roley sat down with mayoral candidate Lisa Brown over tea to learn where she stands on important issues.

To learn more about the city of Spokane's general election, click here.

To learn more about Spokane County races, click here.

Amanda Roley

Lisa Brown is running for mayor here. Thank you so much for joining me on The Tea with Amanda Roley. It's so nice to have you here today.

Lisa Brown

Thanks, Amanda. Glad to be here. 

Amanda Roley

Well, we'll start out. I'd like to find out what kind of tea you decided to drink today.

Lisa Brown

I went with the Japanese matcha on ice. 

Amanda Roley

First of all, tell me, why did you decide to run for Spokane mayor? 

Lisa Brown

Well, I was the Director of Commerce and I saw our city just not moving forward in some key areas. And I thought this is the time when I could bring my experience from the legislature and from WSU Spokane to the city I love.

Amanda Roley

Your opponent has criticized you as a career politician with no actual plan to improve safety or crime in Spokane. Spill the tea for me: what do you say to that? 

Lisa Brown

Well, it's wrong. It's false. When I declared for mayor in March, I immediately went on a listening tour. And I published a public safety agenda that right now is a blueprint that I can enact as soon as I'm elected.

Amanda Roley

What is your plan, Lisa, to increase public safety?

Lisa Brown

One aspect is clearly law enforcement and law enforcement has to be funded, accountable, get the kind of training that they need. Another pillar of public safety has to be a plan to address homelessness.

Amanda Roley

What would you say are some lessons learned out of the formation and closure of Camp Hope.

Lisa Brown

Getting the actual housing to move them to was part of the challenge.

Amanda Roley

But I think the biggest criticism is just how long the camp stuck around.

Lisa Brown

The negative impacts for the neighborhood were really unfortunate. It was really unfortunate that the city's response to the state effort was to sue and litigate rather than sit down at the table and cooperate. 

Amanda Roley

Do you think Camp Hope would have closed by June 9 had this lawsuit not been introduced? 

Lisa Brown

Oh, absolutely. There was already a plan in place. 

Amanda Roley

Do you think Chief Meidl was justified in giving downtown business owners the level of access and information that he did? 

Lisa Brown

I think the buck stops not with the chief, but with the mayor. The chief reports to the mayor.

Amanda Roley

You've criticized Woodward's administration saying it's stalled the city's progress and pointing to excessive turnover and too much conflict. So, how will your administration be different? 

Lisa Brown

There may need to be some changes. But I will make that decision quickly. And then with the team, we'll set some priorities. I'll set a big table for a transition committee. 

Amanda Roley

What would you do as mayor to address the growing pains we're feeling because of this population growth in our community? 

Lisa Brown

We definitely need more housing. One of the things we have to pay attention to, however, is we need the infrastructure that supports a good neighborhood. And I'd like to see more housing, particularly what they call middle housing, which really works for young families starting out.

Amanda Roley

Well, thank you so much, Lisa, for sitting down and spilling the tea with me on who you are and your campaign as mayor.

Lisa Brown 

Thanks, Amanda.

To watch the extended interview with Lisa Brown, use the player below:

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