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Betsy Wilkerson | The Tea with Amanda Roley

Betsy Wilkerson is running for Spokane City Council President. We spoke with her over tea about what she would bring to the position.

SPOKANE, Wash. — Spokane County's general election is coming up on Nov. 7, 2023. Some of the key Spokane County races include the city of Spokane mayor, Spokane City Council president and multiple Spokane City Council seats. KREM 2's Chief Journalist Amanda Roley sat down with City Council President candidate Betsy Wilkerson over tea to learn where she stands on important issues.

To learn more about the city of Spokane's general election, click here.

To learn more about Spokane County races, click here.

Amanda Roley

Betsy Wilkerson, thank you for joining me on The Tea with Amanda Roley to spill the tea on who you are. We're happy to have you here.

Betsy Wilkerson

Well, thanks so much for having me. And I like spilling the tea, so I look forward to our conversation.

Amanda Roley

Oh, great! Well, first I have to ask you, what tea did you decide to sip on with me today?

Betsy Wilkerson

I got a white tea. It's different and very tasty.

Amanda Roley

Now, Betsy, this is a historic race for Spokane. We have two women running for Spokane City Council president, so whoever wins, we will have Spokane's first woman elected to Spokane City Council president. And for you, [first] black woman as council president. What would that mean to you?

Betsy Wilkerson

I gotta tell you, I never really thought about that when I put my name in to step up. But I do realize that representation matters. Spokane is on the forefront of lots of opportunities.

Amanda Roley

Proposition One is on the general election ballot this year. So why don't you support Proposition One?

Betsy Wilkerson

If you look at a map of Proposition One, that covers about 95%. If you can't camp here, where can you camp? That's the question.

Amanda Roley

What do you say to, maybe, folks who live by these schools or daycares and believe the intent behind the proposition is to increase safety?

Betsy Wilkerson

The intent is to increase safety. But Amanda, currently, we don't have enough officers now to enforce a lot of the things that are on the books.

Amanda Roley

What is your vision for the future of TRAC?

Betsy Wilkerson

I'd like to see the TRAC decommissioned as well.

Amanda Roley

Really? That could ruffle some feathers.

Betsy Wilkerson

That could ruffle some feathers, I know.

Amanda Roley

So where would they go?

Betsy Wilkerson

That is the question. I have always been a fan of the scatter site model, with the smaller facilities that neighborhoods can absorb, you know, 50 to 70 people.

Amanda Roley

I did see you had a recent campaign email that went out saying that Spokane voters have two choices. Elect an experienced leader who will be ready to start the job day one, or, and it appears to be a subtle reference to your opponent, let outside special interests buy this race and push the city backwards. What do you mean by that?

Betsy Wilkerson

Amanda, there has been so much outside money that has come into these races, it's almost sinful.

Amanda Roley

The current Public Disclosure Commission numbers actually shows that you've received more contributions from out of Spokane and out of state than Kim Plese by $10,000. What do you say to that?

Betsy Wilkerson

I had a great group of supporters, women who supported me, out of the Seattle area, and they were invested in me as a woman and as a leader. And for that, I'm proud of that. If you look at the number of individual voters, 85% of my contributions have come from individual voters.

Amanda Roley

The city council recently denounced Mayor Nadine Woodward for appearing at a prayer event with former state legislator Matt Shea. What do you say to the statements that Mayor Woodward has released saying she was either unaware of Matt Shea's involvement and regrets being up on stage with him?

Betsy Wilkerson

It would have been great if she had just came to council before all the pressure. And we could have came out together and said, "This is not Spokane."

Amanda Roley

Well, thank you so much Betsy for sitting down with me and spilling the tea.

Betsy Wilkerson

Thank you.

To watch the extended interview with Betsy Wilkerson, use the player below:

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