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Spokane protesters rally over Trump’s national emergency declaration

Protesters on the Monroe Street Bridge held signs with messages reading, "no wall," immigrant rights yes," and "white nationalism no," among other messages.


A Spokane protest took place at the Lincoln Statue and across the Monroe Street Bridge on Monday in response to President Trump’s national emergency declaration.

The Spokane protest comes as hundreds of others are planned nationwide on Monday. Some protests are listed on MoveOn.org and on rallylist.com.

Trump’s declaration on Friday shifts billions of federal dollars earmarked for military construction to the U.S.-Mexico border. The move to go around Congress to fund his long-promised border wall came after lawmakers in both parties blocked his requests for billions of dollars to fulfill his signature campaign pledge.

A Facebook event called “Spokane says NO to Trump’s fake crisis + racist deportation force” had more than 170 people interested in attending.

The protest began at noon with about two dozen people. 

“The location is symbolic of President’s Day and also emphasizes that we can reach across borders such as a river by building bridges,” the Spokane event descriptions reads.

The event did not have speakers and included people holding signs along the bridge. The signs read “no wall, “no anti-democratic power grab," "immigrant right yes,” and “white nationalism no,” among other messages.

The event was organized by Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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