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Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers brings Spokane newspaper editor to inauguration

The congresswoman's spokesperson said she chose the Spokesman-Review editor as her guest so someone local could witness the historic event.
Credit: Rep. Jenniffer González

SPOKANE, Wash — Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers brought the editor of a Spokane newspaper as her guest to the inauguration of President Joe Biden. 

McMorris Rodgers brought Spokesman-Review Editor-in-Chief Rob Curley to the events on Wednesday, according to Spokesperson Jared Powell. 

Powell said the congresswoman asked Curley to come with her because she thought it would be a good opportunity for a member of the media from Spokane to witness the historic event.  

KREM 2 also reached out to Curley to ask about the trip. He said he doesn’t know why he was chosen to be the Congresswoman’s guest.

Curely said he found out he was going to Washington D.C. two and a half hours before the last flight from Spokane to Washington D.C. would leave on Monday afternoon. He said he needed to get to D.C. before the mandatory COVID-19 tests began at 5 a.m. on Tuesday.

Curley said there was no discussion on what he planned on covering during the events from either side. He also said the Congresswoman never requested for any conversations during the event to be off-the-record.

The Spokesman-Review paid for everything related to the coverage, according to Curley.


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