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NASA discovery doubles the number of known planets

The Kepler telescope has looked up in perfect silence at the stars and found more than 1,200 new worlds.

The Kepler telescope has looked up in perfect silence at the stars and found more than 1,200 new worlds.

NASA said Tuesday that Kepler, constantly searching the cosmos for "exoplanets" circling other stars, has detected an additional 1,284 planets outside our solar system. That more than doubles the spacecraft’s previous tally of exoplanets.

 “This gives us hope that somewhere out there, around a star much like ours, we can eventually discover another Earth," said Ellen Stofan, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

The latest batch of new worlds includes 100-plus that are roughly Earth-sized and therefore almost certainly rocky, Morton said. Planets that are rocky, rather than gassy, seem the best bet as incubators of life outside our own corner of the galaxy. 

“This is the most exoplanets that have ever been announced at one time,” said Timothy Morton of Princeton University, who helped confirm the discovery. 

Among the most noteworthy of the new planets are Kepler-1638b and Kepler-1229b. Both are similar to the most Earth-like planets known from outside the solar system, said Natalie Batalha of NASA’s Ames Research Center. The first is slightly bigger than Earth, while the second is roughly the same size as Earth.

Kepler-1229b is squarely in the “Goldilocks zone,” the belt of space just the right distance from a star that a planet there could boast liquid water on its surface. Kepler-1638b is in the inner edge of its Goldilocks zone. Unfortunately both are so distant from Earth that it will be impossible for scientists to learn much more about them.

The surfeit of new planets can be credited to new math. Kepler, which launched in 2009 and stared at a particular spot near the constellation Cygnus for four years, excels at detecting possible planets. But Kepler isn’t terribly skilled at confirming that these possible planets are actually planets, rather than imposters such as very small stars.

Confirming Kepler’s “planet candidates” has in the past required slow, painstaking studies by telescopes on Earth. But a new statistical method that takes into account factors such as the number of small stars in the galaxy allowed for fast, efficient confirmation of the latest batch of candidates, paving the way for the record announcement Tuesday.

Kepler has enough fuel to last perhaps two more years, mission manager Charlie Sobeck of NASA Ames said. Even if it died tomorrow, Kepler has already established that planets are common, garden-variety objects in our galaxy and that even rocky planets in the Goldilocks zone are not the rarities scientists once thought.

“Knowing this,” said NASA’s astrophysics division director Paul Hertz, “is the first step to addressing the question, ‘Are we alone in the universe?’ ”

Before Tuesday's announcement, Kepler had found 984 confirmed planets. In addition to those and the 1,284 newly confirmed planets, the spacecraft has found an additional 1,327 bodies that are officially deemed "more likely than not" to be actual planets. The worlds in that category still require extra checking  that they're not imposters. An additional 707 bodies detected by Kepler are likely to be objects other than planets, perhaps tiny stars that are orbiting bigger stars.

Kepler looks for planets by monitoring the light from stars. A tiny decrease in a star's light output can mean that a planet is passing across the face of the star.




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