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#Texit trends after "Brexit" approved

Some supporters of Texas secession are piggybacking off the "Brexit" to try to inspire a "Texit" movement.

Some supporters of Texas secession are piggybacking off the “Brexit” to try to inspire a “Texit” movement.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is leading the push, according to news.com.au, and has more than 200,000 followers on its Facebook page. #Texit began trending in the early morning hours of Friday as the votes from the “Brexit” came in and has continued to trend on and off throughout the morning.

Vocativ reported Friday that calls for a similar “Texit” spiked to more than 5,800 on Twitter in the wake of the “Brexit.”

Even Governor Greg Abbott mentioned Friday that the Brexit was about state sovereignty.

"This is something going globally," Abbott told Fox News, according to Patrick Svitek. "It comes down to state sovereignty."

Some in Texas have long talked about secession, but it’s never caught on in the mainstream past former Governor Rick Perry discussing it a few times. The main reason behind this is that the United States Constitution doesn’t allow for secession, meaning any hopes for a “Texit” are without merit.

Still, Texit remains a trend on social media.

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