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Spokane man honored for saving Cd'A teen

Dave Powell received a Lifesaving Award from the Coeur d'Alene Fire Department for saving Lorenz Ludwig at City Beach on July 6.
Credit: Bill Buley | Coeur d'Alene Press


On a crowded July afternoon at City Beach, with scores of people swimming and splashing in Lake Coeur d’Alene, Taylor Powell spotted one person in trouble. 

A young man, about 40 to 50 feet from shore, was struggling to stay afloat. No one else seemed to notice.

“He had his hand up and then he went under water. He came back up and I heard, ‘Help, help.’ Then, he went back under,” Powell said. 

She turned to her husband, Dave Powell. 

“He needs help,” she said. 

Dave Powell didn’t hesitate. One thought went through his mind: Get out there.  

He grabbed his daughter’s circular floatie and began swimming. Within about 30 seconds he was there. He reached the man floating face down and said “grab this” as he pushed the floatation device into his arms, and then pulled him to shore. 

On land, the exhausted young man collapsed, vomited water but recovered. 

Capt. Jake Beiker of the Coeur d’Alene Fire Department said Powell displayed a “tremendous amount of courage” and likely saved Lorenz Ludwig’s life. 

“There’s no doubt in my mind he changed the possible outcome that day,” Beiker said Tuesday after Dave Powell was presented with a Lifesaving Award “for Outstanding Performance and Heroic Lifesaving Actions" at the Coeur d’Alene City Council meeting. 

The 18-year-old Ludwig thanked Powell for rescuing him. 

He said he’s about to start college, and if not for Powell, “I might not have had that chance. I don’t get to go be my own person or do what I’m passionate about.” 

"I still have my life," he said.

To read the full story, visit our news partners, the Coeur d'Alene Press.

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