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City of Spokane calls for increased water conservation due to dry weather conditions

Water levels in the Spokane River have dropped below 1,000 cubic feet per second.
Credit: City of Spokane

SPOKANE, Wash. — The City of Spokane has ordered residents to implement additional water conservation measures due to dry weather conditions causing the Spokane River flow to drop below 1,000 cubic feet per second (CFS). 

The conservation measures are part of a city ordinance passed in 2022 that prioritizes responsible water use to protect the river and the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. 

There are two levels of water conservation: 

Level 1: Active every summer between June 1 and October 1

  • No outdoor watering between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

  • Limit watering to no more than 4 days a week 

Level 2: Triggered when the Spokane River is below 1,000 CFS at the Monroe Street river gauge.

  • No outdoor watering between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

  • Limit watering to no more than 2 days per week.

  • No more than a total of 2 hours of watering per day.

  • No using water to clean hardscapes such as sidewalks, driveways, decks and patios.

Both of these levels are in effect as of July 24. For more information on recommended watering schedules and drought response measures, visit the City of Spokane's website. 

“Protecting our water resources requires all of us to do our part,” says Water Director Loren Searl. “We’re asking our citizens to be thoughtful and limit outdoor water use.”

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