SPOKANE, Wash. – Yellow jackets seem to be everywhere right now.
Many people have complained about finding wasps swarming in their yard.
With the hot weather and dry days, bugs are also looking to cool off. This is also the case for yellow jackets and they have made quite an appearance this year.
Jack Dein from Eden Pest Control says these insects work in cycles. So about every two years, they will show up in numbers. This year is one of those.
Dr. Richard Zack, an entomologist at Washington State University, said these guys are just looking for water. They also like protein.
Wasps tend to build their nests in closed corners. They can also live underground. Zack suggests checking in patches of dirt around your yard for small holes, about half an inch in diameter. These underground nests can house hundreds of the wasps.
Zack said the best way to get rid of them is to place a couple of pieces of meat outside with a bowl of water, near a trap. But be careful, Dein said yellow jackets are very aggressive, so they are not afraid to sting. If you are knocking down a nest, keep a safe distance or use a spray can with a long stream. If you are walking outside, watch where you are stepping to avoid their underground nests.