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Spokane City announces changes for paid parking meters

The city announced customers will see an increase or decrease in the time limit in some of its paid parking spaces around the city.

SPOKANE, Wash. — As the City of Spokane prepares for an on-street parking makeover, the city announced changes in the time limit for some of its street parking spaces.

This comes after the city announced they are the replacement of new meters and kiosks around the city that are still pending.

The updates were made after the City’s Parking Services team received residents' feedback on Spokane's different on-street parking areas and after recommendations from the Downtown Parking Study.

The Downtown Parking Study evaluated the existing parking system to help the city develop a comprehensive package of recommendations designed to facilitate growth and activity downtown while making parking more convenient and user-friendly for residents. The final study outcome serves as the roadmap for Spokane's downtown parking future.

According to the City Parking Services team, they received feedback from 63 residents on various on-street parking areas for a period of three weeks. The feedback was only made for some Spokane area blocks.

To keep on-street paid parking more convenient and accessible for the public, the city proposed to update time limits for 147 on-street parking spaces in preparation for the replacement of the old on-street paid parking devices. 

The updates will apply for on-street paid parking spaces that are two and four hours and all-day spaces. About 21 of the proposed meter updates will remain the same. 

The proposed time will apply for the following on-street paid parking meters:

  • 50 of the two-hour on-street paid parking meters will increase to four hours.
  • 26 of the two-hour on-street paid parking meters will increase to all-day parking. 
  • 43 of the four-hour on-street paid parking meters will increase to all-day parking.
  • 18 of the all-day parking paid meters will be reduced to two hours.
  • Five of the all-day parking paid will be reduced to four hours

The new on-street paid parking time limit will be activated sometime in February, and people can check the Spokane City website for the on-street paid parking map updates.

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