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Experiment: How long does it take for soda cans to explode in the cold?

Pop cans explode in the frigid temperatures

SPOKANE, Wash. – It all started with a picture.

A Montana Sheriff’s office shared a photo of Pepsi cans that had exploded in a car due to the freezing temperatures.

So, here at KREM 2 News we wanted to see just how long it would take for the same thing to happen in our frigid temperatures.

We put a variety of different sodas in one of our old news vehicles around 6 p.m. Thursday night. We also put a GoPro in the car to catch the explosions. By 4 p.m. one of the diet sodas had burst and by later that night all of the cans exploded.

Turns out it takes regular Coke longer to freeze because its sugar content lowers the freezing point. The diet coke exploded a few hours before the plain Coke.

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