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'I'm excited for this new opportunity': SPD Interim Police Chief leaving for county sheriff job

Justin Lundgren is leaving for a new job with the Spokane County Sheriff's office.

SPOKANE, Wash. — This is Spokane's interim police chief Justin Lundgren's final week with the department. 

Lundgren stepped into the role on Jan. 1, 2024 when former police chief, Craig Meidl, resigned. His last day with SPD is on Monday, August 5. 

He is leaving for a new job with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. Lundgren said it's a bittersweet goodbye after wearing this badge for 27 years.

"I'm excited for this new opportunity," he said. "But I mean this has been family for so long, it comes with mixed emotions."

Lundgren temporarily stepped into the department's top job seven months ago. Time which he said flew by.

"We've had challenges, like this budget situation the city is in, it's probably the largest of my career," Lundgren said. 

Although he's stepping away amid these major budget discussions, Lundgren is confident the department will get through it.

"We've got a lot of really skilled people who are right here," Lundgren said "I'm not leaving the area. I'm not leaving the career field."

He plans to be a resource to SPD's new police chief Kevin Hall when needed. 

"I look forward to supporting him," Lundgren said. 

He didn't apply for the permanent police chief position in hopes of a new opportunity that allowed more time with his family. 

"I've got a young family, I've got kids," Lundgren said. "I love law enforcement. I love being in a leadership role. So I'll still be able to do that. But I think it's going to be a little bit better [of a] balance where I can spend more time [with] family."

Lundgren will start his new job with the sheriff's office and will be a patrol commander of the unincorporated patrol division at the end of August. 

"Fortunately I'm staying in the area, the two agencies work so well together," Lundgren said. "I have a lot to learn and I'll do my best to be a quick study."

He may be giving up his police badge, but he'll still be here serving the community under a new one.

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