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'One More Stop': Law enforcement honors fallen Trooper Christopher Gadd

Gadd was killed when he was hit by a drunk driver in 2004. Idaho State Police joins Washington State Patrol on DUI emphasis patrol to honor Gadd.
Credit: ISP
"One More Stop"

WASHINGTON, USA — Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd #927 was killed in March of 2024 after being hit by an impaired driver. Before being struck, Gadd had messaged his fellow troopers he would meet them on break after he made "one more stop," meaning he was performing an extra road check before his break. 

"His commitment to keeping the roads safe remained unwavering until the end, as he sought to prevent further tragedies by pulling over for one last traffic stop that day. His actions that day, and his ultimate sacrifice, serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of public safety and the need to prevent impaired driving," Idaho State Police ISP) stated.

To honor Gadd, ISP is joining the Washington State Patrol (WSP) for a statewide emphasis on DUI patrols on Sept. 27.

“Trooper Gadd was a fine young man with a big heart and passion to serve the community – a true example of the best of us,” said WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “He made the ultimate sacrifice while working to make our roads a safer place. “With this emphasis, we honor his memory by continuing his efforts to protect the community he dedicated his life to.”

Law enforcement not only want to honor Gadd, but also emphasize their commitment to work together and keep roads safe.

"Trooper Gadd’s dedication to serving his community resonates deeply with all of us in law enforcement,’ said Lieutenant Colonel Fritz Zweigart, ISP Director of Operations. ‘Joining the ‘One More Stop’ patrol is an opportunity to honor Trooper Gadd and a reminder of the importance of our mission – making sure every driver makes it home safely. Our troopers have a difficult job, but it’s a job we all believe in, and it’s one that significantly impacts our communities."

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