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Suspect shot and killed by homeowner after alleged assault and prowling incident

Omak Police are investigating the altercation, and the findings will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office to determine the appropriateness of the use of force.

OMAK, Wash. — Omak Police responded to an assault on Saturday that led to one person being killed.

According to police, a homeowner in the 400 block of Hanford Street confronted a person who was observed “prowling and actively committing a felony crime by tampering with the homeowner’s vehicle.”

Police say the homeowner, who was armed but had not used force, was attacked and knocked to the ground by the suspect.

Police added, the homeowner’s significant other fired a warning shot into the ground to try and deter the incident. Police say the significant other pulled the suspect off the homeowner. Shortly after the suspect reengaged with the homeowner. The homeowner then fired a single shot hitting the suspect.

According to a release, the suspect left the homeowner’s property and eventually collapsed in the street. Emergency services were contacted, and the suspect was transported to Mid Valley Hospital where they were pronounced dead.

Omak Police are investigating the altercation, and the findings will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office for review to determine the appropriateness of the use of force in this situation.

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