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Fire disrupts wedding plans at Tacoma landmark

Fire disrupts wedding plans at Tacoma landmark

TACOMA, Wash. - A two-alarm fire caused significant damage to the landmark pagoda building at Point Defiance Park in Tacoma Friday morning.

Fire Department spokesman Joe Meineck said firefighters were called to the scene at about 4:30 a.m.

A park employee discovered the fire.

When firefighters arrived on the scene they called a second alarm.

The pagoda in the park's Japanese garden was built in 1914 and is a replica of a 17th century Japanese lodge. It accommodated up to 200 people for weddings, memorial services and parties.

One man arrived at the Pagoda saying his sister was to be married there in the evening.

'My sister's wedding is today at 6 (p.m.). My mom sent me down here to talk to the Metro people to see what we can do,' the man said.

Workers said there have been arson problems in the park. Recently some garbage cans were set on fire. Investigators, however, are still searching for a cause of the fire.

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