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Shasta Groene calls on lawmakers, starts Change.org petition

IDAHO – Shasta Groene recently made a Change.org petition asking for signatures to encourage lawmakers to pass a law regarding strikes for sex offenders.

Groene survived a North Idaho massacre by Joseph Duncan. Duncan snatched Groene and her 9-year-old brother, Dylan, from their home after killing their older brother, mother and mother’s fiancé. Duncan traveled to a campsite in Montana for several weeks before killing Dylan and returning Shasta to Coeur d’Alene.

The petition reads:

“My name is Shasta Groene. I am 19 years old and I am seeking out a way for, not only my voice to be heard, but other victims. When I was 8, my mother, stepfather and 13-year-old brother, Slade, were murdered, and my brother, Dylan, and I were kidnapped from our homes by a level 3 sex offender named Joseph Edward Duncan the third. He was charged many times before my situation and was let out again and again. I would like this petition to change that. One strike for a sex offender should be enough! Never let them back on the streets to reoffend. This isn’t a disease! It’s a sick twisted person who cannot be helped or fixed. The system failed me and my family and I’m going to do whatever it takes to put an end to the psychos running the streets.”

The petition calls for 2,500 signatures. It states the petition will be delivered to Governor Butch Otter and Senator Mike Crapo.

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