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Gov. Little signs executive order to protect Idaho water

Water conflicts have reached a successful resolution.
Credit: Madison Hardy

POCATELLO, Idaho — Surface water and groundwater users were gathered in Pocatello on Wednesday, June 26, to celebrate the successful resolutions of water conflicts during the irrigation season. 

Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke have been designing new plans for the long-term agreement between water users and all farmers that benefits both groups while providing a healthy aquifer.

“We did what Idahoans do best – worked together to find a solution. Everyone compromised, and now we’re focusing on a long-term solution that fits the latest science, meets the needs of all water users, and conserves our water for future generations. The solutions shouldn’t come from the government. They should be carefully crafted by the water users themselves,” Governor Little said.

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling from last week blocked an agreement between water users in New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado. This ruling allowed the federal government to take control over water in times of conflict between different parties.

The Executive Order 2024-06, the Protecting Idaho Water Sovereignty Act takes the previous actions to protect Idaho's water and makes them last for generations to come.

Governor Little joined forces with the Legislature to put a billion dollars towards water quantity investments over the past three years. He also hosted a Water Summit in August of 2023 in which hundreds of Idaho stakeholders helped identify potential challenges and solutions for the water issues in Idaho.

“My goal all along was to avoid the heavy hand of government by bringing farmers to the table and hashing out a plan to keep crops wet this year and into the future. The stakes are higher than they have even been. We as Idahoans must continue to work together to control our own destiny,” said Governor Little.

The Idaho Department of Water Resources was directed by Governor Little to create the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Groundwater Management Plan Advisory Council to create goals of creating a groundwater management plan for the aquifer.

“Water is truly the lifeblood of Idaho. It supports our communities, energy production, recreation, our economy and, most of all, agriculture. Farmers will always be the backbone of our state and our country. Agriculture is our way of life in Idaho,” Governor Little said.

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