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Famous Spokane radio show hosts Dave, Ken & Molly talk about their future following exit from radio station

But despite the announcement earlier this summer, they're still providing the same care and legacy to the community, even while off-air.

SPOKANE, Wash. — Beloved Spokane Radio hosts Dave, Ken and Molly were abruptly let go from their radio show earlier this summer.

Morgan Murphy's Vice President said they canceled Dave, Ken and Molly due to "restructuring operations to reflect current economic conditions."

But despite the announcement, they're still providing the same care and legacy to the community, even while off-air.

Here is the one-on-one interview with Dave, Ken and Molly.

Connor McEvoy: What led the three of you to, you know, work together for all the years that you did? 

Dave Sposito: I joined Ken, and we joined together. We were Breakfast boys. And then in late 1998, Molly joined to help us.

Molly Allen: It was supposed to be three weeks, it turned into 26 years. 

Ken Hopkins: It turned into Dave, Ken and Molly all the time. 

DS: There were teenage kids that grew up with us, and now they have kids, and their kids are listening. I mean, when you go, you know, 32 years, Ken and I, 26 with all of us together, you get into different generations.

CM: Talk to me about, like that last day of working, what that was like at the station. 

DS: Well, it started off okay. It was a long day, because I remember getting up early. I was taking my son to the airport. He was going back to the University of Michigan, and dropped him off, and we did the show. And then literally, 20 minutes after that, it was bing, bing, bing. We were all wiped out individually.

MA: We didn't know it was our last show. It was a pretty normal Thursday. 

KH: It was our last show. It seemed like a normal Thursday, busy day, but it changed. 

MA: Shock set in

DS: Yeah, It was several days before I thought of anything other than, you know, being fired. So then we, you know, started to think about, okay, what's the next move? And then we kind of all got on the same page on that. 

CM: How long was it until you guys kind of decided to pursue this with Northern Quest?

DS: Well, that actually happened, I think, pretty quick, when they made the initial. Whole connection and say, Hey, if you guys aren't busy, would you like to we're not busy. We have nothing.

KH: Would you like to be unemployed DJs?  Who said we are? 

CM: It's a little tongue-in-cheek.

DS: I think we liked it right away. 

KH: Yeah, the first I heard of the concept, I thought, well, that sounds funny. 

CM: What would you have wanted to say after all that time on the radio? 

DS: This is where we want to be, and we decided to stay, and we're glad that we did up until the last day. 

MA: That was what was so amazing, how many people really just want to go with us, and if we weren't there, that was shocking and so amazing. Just to say, you know, the only reason we're here is because of you. 

KH: We've had kids, and everything that's happened in our families, our listeners, same things have happened. 

MA: Divorces, many divorces. Deaths and Ken's accident and all of these things that we went through, and grandchildren and children, and we all went through that, and I don't think you can plan for something. You can't plan on impacting a community.

KH: so many life moments, I guess, through there, and even our birthdays, we could do. 

MA: Oh yeah, birthdays, you guys, so many birthdays because they've been around so much longer.

DS: She's making herself laugh again.

MA: If it's not funny to me, why would I say that's my theory. It has to start here. No, the birthdays would be good. We could do a whole bunch of that.

CM: Dave Ken and Molly, what's next? 

MA: We're formulating a plan. It'll be good. We'll have a big announcement coming up, and you'll see it everywhere. It'll be great.  If anybody is to wake up with us and they miss that, they'll have that in their life again, and it'll be just like, just like we just took a long summer off.

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