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Flatstick Pub hosts thrilling Apple Cup watch party in Spokane

The 2024 Apple Cup was another crazy game, with WSU coming out on top for the first time in three years.

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Apple Cup, of course, brings Coug and Huskies fans alike to the game and to many businesses across the state hosting watch parties, and one spot here in Spokane says each year, it's a lot of planning, but worth it in the end.

"The Apple Cup is always a big day for us," Vice President of Pub Operations at Flatstick Pub Dan Largent said. 

It's a day coveted by every Coug or Huskie fan out there: the 116th Apple Cup.

"We always get a crowd in here, whether the game's in Pullman, Seattle, whatever," Largent said. "It's always a big one."

Largent is a die-hard Coug, as well as his family, owning another location of the pub in Seattle.

"We've been going to Apple Cups, going to Coug games our whole lives," Largent said.

Their whole lives, wanting to show support in any way they can, donating some of what they've earned on Saturday to go toward the university's student athletes.

"We donate a dollar from every sale of the old Crimson Lager to the Cougar Collective," Largent said.

Fans gathering around the pub couldn't take their eyes off each TV, looking at the score and enjoying the comradery.

It's something Largent said takes a lot of planning and strategy for one of their biggest game days the business sees each year.

"We look forward to it," Largent said. "We prepare for it well in advance. Make sure we're on our A-game."

All in a year, Largent said with unique changes in the Pac-12 , it isn't stopping him and other supporters of his college team having their hopes up throughout the season. 

"I think Cougs just like to rally around each other, and I think this year's presenting a perfect opportunity for that," Largent said.

WSU would come away with the thrilling 24-19 win, taking home the Apple Cup for the first time in three years.

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