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Felts Field in Spokane named as finish line for 2025 Air Race Classic

The Air Race Classic (ARC) is a four-day all-women transcontinental air race, starting in Alabama and finishing here in Spokane.
Credit: Spokane Airports

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Air Race Classic (ARC)—an all-women transcontinental air race—named historic Felts Field as the finish line for the 2025 race. 

Felts Field is the third airport in Washington selected to host a leg of the race since ARC’s creation nearly 50 years ago and the state’s first airport to serve as the race's last stop. 

“Over the past 100 years, Felts Field has been host to some of the world’s most iconic aviators – from Charles Lindbergh to Nick Mamer and Dorothy Fowler – and home to some of the most spectacular displays of aviation skill and innovation,” said Ezra Eckhardt, Spokane Airport Board Chair. “The 2025 Air Race Classic not only builds upon this rich aviation tradition, encouraging racers to seek out new horizons, but importantly creates opportunities for the next generation of pilots to refine their craft and connect with fellow aviators.”

The 2025 ARC begins on Tuesday, June 17 in Fairhope, Alabama. The race includes 12 predetermined stops which span over 2,000 nautical miles.

Before the race, each airplane is given a unique handicap that allows all qualified airframe make and models to compete at the same level against one another. 

After the first plane launches, teams have four days to fly all legs of the race and cross the finish line in Spokane, while only using daytime visual-flight-rules (VFR). 

The team that beats their handicap by the greatest margin—using weather, winds or other strategies to their advantage—is the winner.

“The race challenges all aspects of aviation: flight planning, navigation, aeronautical knowledge and much, much more. Completing the course is a tremendous feat, and being able to showcase this level of aviation excellence in our community as this year’s terminus host is truly an honor," said Larry Krauter, Spokane Airports CEO.

ARC is open to women pilots of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels. The race includes three entry classes: Competition, Intercollegiate, and Non-Competition. Each team consists of two or more women, with at least one acting pilot or copilot.

Registration for the 2025 race opens January 2, 2025. For more information, visit their website.

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