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New LED streetlights brighten Spokane streets

Others have said they are thankful for them because they are keeping the streets safe.
New LED street Light

SPOKANE, Wash. – You may have noticed a new type of streetlight brightening Spokane roads.

Some people have been complaining on social media saying the new lights are intrusive because the snow is amplifying the glare. Others have said they are thankful for them because they are keeping the streets safe. Many streets in one South Hill neighborhood are very dark when night falls.

"I've seen bicycle riders out at night and, even as cautious as I am, it's really easy to not see them if they're not reflected properly," said South Hill resident Kathie Zentz.

The lights are part of a five-year program to replace nearly 30,000 Avista-owned street lights with low-energy LED lights. Company leaders said the new lights use half as much energy and lasts up to three times longer. That saves enough energy to power 2,300 homes each night. But, not everyone is thankful.

"I've heard mixed opinions from people, because for security obviously it lights the area up better, but if it's shining in your bedroom window, I could see where that would be a problem," said Zentz.

Maddie Ross lives across from a new light. She said shoveling the snow outside her window is her only relief from the glare.

"A lot of crazy drivers that just go really fast down this street. So I thought it might help that. Maybe if there's a big bright light and they're not encased in dark, they'll be a little more cautious," said Ross.

Avista leaders said they will install 3,000 LED streetlights by the end of 2015. The old ones will be replaced as they go out. 

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