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Ten apply for North Idaho College trustee job

The letters of interest will be reviewed to confirm applicants reside within Zone 5, and shared with the NIC board of trustees.

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho — North Idaho College received 10 applications for Trustee Zone 5 by Wednesday's 5 p.m. deadline, as reported by our news partners, the Coeur d'Alene Press.

The Press has learned that the 10 are:

Ann Hardt

Eric Shanley

Robert Blansfield

Michael Waggoner

Pete Broschet

Harry Amend

Geoff Newman

Timothy Plass

Susan Overholser

Nina Beesley

The letters of interest will be reviewed to confirm applicants reside within Zone 5, and shared with the NIC board of trustees, said Laura Rumpler, the college's Chief Communications and Government Relations Officer. Rumpler said at that point, the applications will become public.

Press Managing Editor Mike Patrick said the newspaper will post the applications on cdapress.com as soon as they're received today.

Public interviews of applicants will be conducted by the board of trustees at the Feb. 23 board meeting.

Pursuant to Idaho Statute 33-2106, the successful appointee for Trustee Zone 5 will serve until the November 2022 election and is eligible to run as a candidate in 2022.

Whoever is elected to the seat will then serve for the remainder of the term, which ends November 2024.

The Coeur d'Alene Press is a KREM 2 news partner. For more from our partners, click here.

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