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Superintendent Steve Fisk resigns from Colville School District

Steve Fisk approached the board with a plan for transition and shortening of his employment contract for personal and professional reasons.

COLVILLE, Wash. — Steve Fisk, the Colville School District's superintendent, has decided to resign from his position after the school board voted to reverse its decision on making masks optional.

Today's decision came just days after the school district decided to make masks optional.

Fisk approached the board with a plan for transition and shortening of his employment contract for personal and professional reasons.

A very big part of Colville's decision to rescind the mandate came down to money. According to Fisk, violations of the mandate could range from $100-$7,000 per violation. The minimum fine potential at $100,000 per day per violation could be about $153,000. The maximum could be over $10 million.

"The potential significant impacts from fines and violations could financially cripple our school district for many years to come," Fisk said.

Fisk also reported that Labor & Industries could do surprise inspections at any time.

Today's decision also comes one day after Kettle Falls voted to make masks required again for schools in the region.

Superintendent Fisk says going virtual for the remainder of the indoor mask mandate was also considered, as well as several weeks off from school and going back after the mandate expired. However, the superintendent reported the move would extend the end of the school year.

Masks will be required for all staff, students and visitors starting Monday. It will stay in effect through Mar. 18, the Friday before the state's indoor mask mandate ends.

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