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Who Do You Love Senior Winner 2021

Corbin Senior Activity Center is the winner of STCU and KREM's Who Do You Love Senior winner!
Credit: KREM

The stories of isolation, depression, and anxiety related to the ongoing pandemic are universal and impact people of all ages. That said, the senior population has been especially hard hit by the lack of connection and overall lockdown related to COVID-19. Recently, KREM 2 & STCU got to celebrate one of our local senior centers and award them with a check as the winner of the ‘Who Do You Love?’ August edition. The ‘Who Do You Love’ campaign allows people to vote on their favorite non-profits throughout the year. The winners are awarded a cash prize by STCU. 

Kristen Piscopo with STCU made a surprise donation to the Corbin Senior Activity Center with a much-needed $2,500 check. It’s money that can further the mission at the center of helping seniors engage in activities.

“We provide a safe place for them to meet, greet, enjoy themselves to have a community of seniors. Last year without being open we had to figure out how to provide that to them when they are at home. Our mission is to enhance seniors lives and that’s what we are going to do with that money,” says Corbin Center Director Heidi Wehr. Check KREM.com for further information on Who Do You Love?’ and how you can impact your favorite local charities.

Learn more about Corbin Senior Center.

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