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Your photos and videos of the Northern Lights in eastern Washington

The Northern Lights danced over eastern Washington and North Idaho during Labor Day weekend. Here are the best photos and videos from KREM viewers.

Editor's note: Above video shows the Northern Lights over the Arctic Circle

SPOKANE, Wash. – The Northern Lights danced over areas of eastern Washington and North Idaho on Labor Day weekend.

Northern U.S. States fell into the viewing area for the aurora borealis. The National Weather Service said escalating geomagnetic storm conditions existed from late Saturday into Sunday, resulting in improved conditions to view the space spectacle.

The best areas to see the sight are typically scarcely populated and lack light pollution. City lights can often inhibit the view, which is why many photographers and stargazers tend to travel to quiet, dark locations.

Several KREM viewers captured photos and videos of the aurora in eastern Washington, including shots from areas outside of Reardan, Deer Park, Moses Lake and Cusick.

RELATED: Awesome Aurora: Northern Lights dance above Seattle skyline

RELATED: See amazing view of the Northern Lights from above Earth

Viewer Kevin Roylance sent us a time lapse video of the Northern Lights over Moses Lake.

Viewers Si Xiong, Ian Loe and Ashlee Winlow sent us the photos below.

Do you have any photos or videos of the Northern Lights? Send them to pics@krem.com or send us a message on Facebook.

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