PULLMAN, Wash. — People coming into town couldn’t help but stop by and snap some photos of the canvas made by Stan Herd, a crop artist known for his massive art installations.
BECU is partnering with Herd and Seattle creative industry, DNA, to promote BECU’s partnership with WSU. However, the 210 ft. by 260 ft. advertisement is more than just a promotion.
Herd and three other men worked endlessly to complete 12,000 acres for the upcoming homecoming game at WSU.
Drivers passing on Highway 195 can now expect to see the traditional mantra, ‘GO COUGS!’ in a bold and prideful display.
Students and alumni at WSU can show off their school pride by simply seeing it from a distance.
WSU will take on Colorado at the homecoming game on Oct. 19. Last year, the Cougs claimed a 28-24 victory over Utah led by former quarterback turned NFL star Gardner Minshew.